Year 5 - Chestnut Class
Welcome to Year 5
Here you will find lots of information about Chestnut Class. At Mexborough St John's our children study four main topics throughout the year. To find out more about what children will be learning in their topic work, please click the topic links above or visit our curriculum section. Below is also a list of key information about the class.

Miss Khan
Class Teacher

Miss Taylor
Learning Support

Miss Stephens
Learning Support

Mrs Peplow
Key Information
Y5 Visits Letter
Things to remember
Children MUST bring their reading books and reading diary EVERY day.
Outside PE will take place every MONDAY and the children MUST bring their outdoor PE kit.
Indoor PE will take place every FRIDAY and children MUST have their indoor PE kit.
PE days may be subject to change and we encourage your child to bring their kit on Monday and keep it at school all week.
Home Learning
Homework will be set via 'Planpanion' every Friday and is due in the following Thursday. 'Planpanion' is an online tool that allows your child's class teacher to set weekly learning. Please follow the link to login.
Spelling homework is set via 'Spelling Shed' every Friday. Again, this is due in the following Thursday. Please follow the link to log in.
Other useful links include:
Your child will have their own logins. Please contact their class teacher if you need any support.